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Membership Renewal Form

We look forward to your continued involvement with BC Interior Community Foundation. Not only does your work support our organization, it supports our entire community. Thank you so much for your willingness to donate your time and talents. 

BCICF memberships are renewed annually on March 1. You must be a member in good standing on May 1, in order to vote at the AGM.


Membership Renewal

BCICF Membership Renewal

Deadline: Annually on March 1st.
You must be a member in good standing on May 1st in order to vote at the AGM.

Mailing Address
Mailing Address
  • Members are encouraged to actively participate in BC Interior Community Foundation activities - particularly the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  • Members are encouraged to act as goodwill ambassadors of the BCICF, working in a collaborative and positive way to support the BCICF’s mission and mandate, while maintaining a spirit of collegiality, respect, transparency and goodwill.
  • Members are required to disclose any conflicts of interest as related to the best interest of the BCICF.
  • All members are subject to the BCICF Code of Conduct. The BCICF Code of Conduct policy is available below. Please use the checkbox below the document to indicate that you read and agree.

BCICF Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy

To read this policy, click on the arrow above to expand this section. Please note, that in order to submit the form you must indicate that you have read and agree.
Code of Conduct Agreement
You can type out your name, or draw your signature as needed.