A community foundation is a public charity serving thousands of people who share a common interest — improving the quality of life in their community.
Individuals, families, businesses, and organizations create charitable funds that help meet local and regional challenges.
The BC Interior Community Foundation (BCICF) is a member of Community Foundations of Canada, a national network of 191 foundations. This national alliance allows each local Community Foundation to independently support charities and causes that are important within their funding region.
What is an Endowment?
Donations to the BC Interior Community Foundation are a great way to ‘give today and grow tomorrow’.
When you donate to the BCICF your money is placed in a secure endowment. This endowment is invested with care and grows over time. As the investment generates interest, the foundation is able to provide funding consistent funding to charities, projects and scholarships/bursaries. The endowed fund is held forever in trust by the Community Foundation, providing a stable income stream.
Who Do We Help Fund?
Many local charities who have an endowment with the Foundation direct donors to contribute on their behalf so they can plan for the future of their organization knowing that a portion of their annual budget is guaranteed:

How can you Support your favourite local cause?
The BCICF exists to support charities across many sectors in their work to improve the lives of our community members. For more than three decades, first as the Kamloops Foundation, and now as the BC Interior Community Foundation, we have helped connect donors with causes that they care about. Whether it’s setting up an individual memorial fund in the name of a loved one, or contributing to an existing fund that aligns with a donor’s values, the BCICF has many options for leaving a legacy to our communities.
Many donors contribute on a monthly or annual basis to a fund they have set up, and find that this provides them with great tax benefits while making sure they know exactly where their money is going. By keeping our administration cost at only 1% of the endowed fund value, the BCICF makes sure that we can help charitable organizations in our region who need it the most.
If a donor wants to donate to their community but isn’t sure about the best way for them to do that, they can direct monies to the ‘Smart & Caring Fund’. This general fund is used for Community Project Grants across the Thompson-Nicola Region, at the discretion of the Granting Committee and the Board of Directors. Community Project Grants are helpful to supplement project & program funding and provide a charity (or a project partnered with a charity) with up to 1/3 of their project funding up to $1500. Why do we cap these project funds? We simply want to make sure that we can support as many projects as possible within each funding cycle.
The BC Interior Community Foundation has a diverse and knowledgeable Board of Directors who help direct our funds to support existing and emerging needs in our region. Click here to learn more about our Board of Directors.
When you contribute to our community, we all grow together. Join the BCICF in our mission to support local charities with consistent sustainable long-term funding.
Are you interested in supporting your community through the BC Interior Community Foundation? Membership is free and you’re a member for life!
Support your community with a donation to the fund or charity of your choice.
Learn more about the different ways you can give back to your communities and the people who make them special.
Learn more about how you can leave a legacy for your community.
About Us: Give Today, Grow Tomorrow PDF
Learn more about the BCICF with our Give Today, Grow Tomorrow document. Click here to download and read now.