The Fund was established by long-time Foundation supporter Kirsten McDougall. She hoped to encourage others to start their own Discretionary Fund and to encourage applications for grants to a wider variety of qualified donees in our ...
This fund was established by a retired public health nurse and master gardener, who actively advocated for the prohibition of cosmetic pesticides in residential use in Kamloops and conducted workshops promoting pesticide-free ...
Established in memory of Carolyn Scarborough to support recreation and the environment.
Established in memory of Karl Grauer to support environmental projects and camping activities for individuals or groups in the scouting movement.
Established by friends of the Centre to support programs and building improvements at McQueen Lake Centre.
The Fund was established by Nancy Stewart in memory of her husband, Dr. David A. Stewart to support the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation and the Kamloops Chapter of Ducks Unlimited.
Established by Genevieve Murray, Aidan Murray and Brenda Craig to support the Outdoor Education Program at Heffley Creek Elementary School.
Established to support Environment and Recreation.
Established to support KidSport BC, Kamloops Chapter in providing underprivileged children opportunities in physical activity in Kamloops.