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Environmental Impact Fund
Fund Categories: Environment & Recreation
Fund Types: Discretionary Fund

This fund was established by a retired public health nurse and master gardener, who actively advocated for the prohibition of cosmetic pesticides in residential use in Kamloops and conducted workshops promoting pesticide-free gardening.

The Environmental Impact Fund provides grants to charitable organizations working to prevent environmental harm, mitigate the effects of ecological challenges on communities and wildlife, and restore areas impacted by environmental incidents within the Foundation’s service area.

In its inaugural year, the fund made a significant impact by supporting various vital conservation and environmental initiatives. Grants enabled the BC Wildlife Federation to restore and conserve BC wetlands and provided Blackpool Fire and Rescue with resources for fire prevention efforts. Grant funding was also provided to The Grasslands Conservation Council of BC to produce the BC Grasslands magazine, educating the public about the importance and scarcity of our grasslands. Additionally, the Vancouver Avian Research Centre Society’s Merritt Bluebird Nesting project flourished, and the Be The Change Earth Alliance engaged youth with action-oriented environmental workshops to combat eco-anxiety with help from this funding.


Your donations can continue to support initiatives such as these, ensuring the preservation of our natural habitats and empowering future generations to protect our environment.

At left: A volunteer helps to replant the wetlands.

Read more about the impact of this fund on page 15 of the BC Interior Community Foundation Annual Report (Click here).

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Thanks to an anonymous donor pledging $20,000 in matching funds,every $1 becomes $2 when you give to the Environmental Impact Fund!

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