Established in Memory of Don Bennett, a wonderful musician & music teacher who impacted his students and our community deeply. This fund will help provide financial assistance toward the purchase of services to enhance community-based music events of all kinds.
Please note BCICF is not involved in awarding these funds & funds will not be available until 2022.

Don Bennett leaves a rich legacy of music & education, having spent over 35 years in music education, as well as being an active musician in our community. Don played with the Kamloops Symphony for 26 years and was active in Beyond Brass (Kamloops Big Band), Vancouver Philharmonic, Orchestra Viva, Okanagan Symphony, and Prince George Symphony. Locally he was also the conductor of the Thompson Valley Orchestra and co-conductor of the Kamloops Community Band, with longtime friend Cliff Noakes.
His positive outlook and good humour have left a legacy across the music community which will live on in the many students Don inspired to become professional musicians. From lending his band room to festival trainees who needed a practice space, to his willing participation in so many community music programs and projects, Donald Bennett leaves a legacy of service to our music community.