Established to provide scholarships/bursaries to First Nations/Aboriginal students from School District 73.
The Howling Coyote Education Fund was established in October 2008. The Fund started with the vision and evergy to assist First Nations/Aboriginal youth in School District No. 73 (Kamloops/Thompson) by supporting their post-secondary studies, along with building community capacity. School District 73, the Kamloops Foundation (now the BCICF), the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc and other community members came together to establish the fund, and continue to organize annual fundraising events which have helped the fund to grow each year. As the Fund increases, more student awards become available.
The application form for this award is located on the School District 73 website. Click on the link below and scroll down to the Aboriginal Scholarships and Bursaries section. Click here to download the application form.
Applications are submitted to the First Nations Education Council.